Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Crazy Apple Rumors Site » Blog Archive » Industry Panel Discusses Dvorak.:

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF JOHN MOLTZ: Gentlemen, thank you for coming all the way to Tacoma for this fifteen minute panel. In the days since the posting of this video, Dvorak has been reviled throughout the Macintosh community once again. He’s been called everything from a douche bag to an ass clown. So… John Dvorak…

Douche bag or ass clown?

John Gruber?

GRUBER: Douche bag.

SIRACUSA: I disagree. The douche bag monicker just implies that he’s a jerk. The ass clown, on the other hand, also lacks integrity. It’s one of the hallmarks of the ass clown.

GRUBER: No. No. No. You’re pigeon-holing “douche bag.”

SIRACUSA: No, I’m not. That’s the standard usage. Check the AP Style Guide. I’m very careful about things like that.

12:20 AM