Sunday, November 19, 2006

The Stranger | Seattle | Slog: The Stranger's Blog | Items... Miscellaneous Items.:

Item the first: There has never been an actually good James Bond film. Good for their time, ok. Good relative to other Bond films, sure. Good for a few laughs, absolutely. But in the end, these once trusty barometers of intrigue and suaveness are terrible movies.

Item the second: Casino Royale kicks fucking ass. Daniel Craig is better than a thousand Sean Conneries (Seans Connery?), and all the other Bonds can suck it anyway. Craig rules. The movie rules. It’s like they went in and just surgically removed all the terrible bullshit that made the old movies suck and made a movie that looks and feels like the kind of Bond movie the old Bond movies were meant to be: i.e. thrilling (because they’re thrillers), actually funny (instead of wincingly “funny”), properly sexy (Eva Green, ladies and gentlemen), and, you know, GREAT. It’s fucking great. What a great action movie. It opens with the best running chase ever, and then gets better. Great fights, great plot, great integration of Ian Fleming’s obsession with games of chance, et cetera. Hooray.

4:57 AM