Talking Points Memo: by Joshua Micah Marshall November 6, 2006 10:02 AM:
Saddam's verdict of death was read out yesterday. But apparently only that -- death. Not precisely what he was convicted of or why. One of NBC's blogs explains ...
The full verdict, a document of several hundred pages, explaining how and why today’s judgment was reached was not released. U.S. officials said it should be ready by Thursday. So why issue the verdict today? U.S. court advisors told reporters today it was delayed mainly for technical reasons.
They put in all manner of caveats explaining how there's no proof the verdict was timed for political purposes. But it certainly seems like they couldn't actually get the verdict ready for the November 5th slam dunk. So they announced it for US electoral benefit. And they'll do their best to get the actual verdict done by Thursday.
1:29 PM
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