Sunday, April 15, 2007

Video Podcast To Become A Paper Book! - Gawker:

You know, the publishing industry is such a wondrous magical place—like a Disneyland where all the animatronic characters are made out of money!—that of course video podcasters want in.

For instance: It only takes most publishers 18 to 24 months to publish a book! They also have these innovative ideas of promotion—as a Published Author, you might be allowed to fly yourself to Chicago and/or Miami, sometimes Iowa City, to read to an audience of 12 or 13 people at a Barnes and Noble!

And when your Kirkus and/or Publisher's Weekly reviews come out, and their wild praise contains one critical note, suddenly the PR people at your publisher are occupied with other projects. Then, surely unrelatedly, your $20,000 advance doesn't earn out and everyone scratches their heads in puzzlement.

It's the most retarded shell game on earth. And also the most technophobic, ass-backwards, financially-dumb-headed industry in the world. (Well, maybe second, behind office water delivery businesses. But at least they know how to charge the right prices for their product.)

1:05 PM