Not Prince Hamlet, nor was meant to be - Special Onion Bonus Edition: Daniel Handler on summer in San Francisco:
His favorite summer pastime. It’s so weather-dependant. I feel like a real San Francisco summer is spent sitting around with blankets on friends’ couches watching old black-and-white movies while the wind howls outside. I have a certain San Francisco ethic, and many other San Franciscans I know have a San Francisco ethic, that pleasant weather is so antithetical to what this city stands for, that when it’s a beautiful day you should spend all of it in the darkest circumstances possible. One summer activity that we do pretty often is meet at Café Tosca and have a few rounds of cocktails, and then go across the street to City Lights Books and do some drunken book shopping, and then head down the hill to Kokkari and eat fried smelt at the bar. All of those are pretty dark.
2:18 AM
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